Education & career:
Doctorate in Geography (1984); Graduate in Geography and History (1977); Officer of the Merchant Marine (1969)
Professor Emeritus
Scientific disciplines
Geography, Marine Sciences/Maritime Studies, Ocean governance and ICZM
Education & career: ...xt of topics such marine governance, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), climate change and multi-use. In ICZM and MSP projects he is often...Projects: multi-use technologies - Policy analysis
2017 - 2017
Kuwait ICZM Framework, Kuwait
Senior res...objectives of this task were to identify: 1. Typical indicators used in ICZM in international practice 2....
Current teaching activities: Med-Open E-training on ICZM/MSP, Mediterranean Action Plan, PAP/RAC, CroatiaResearch activities: ICZM/MSP local governance and stakeholders participation
Selected publications (up to 5): ...lonia (Spain): a Q-methodology approach. Aquaculture, (424–425) 78–85.
Sandersen, H, E Mikkelsen, E Moksness, JH Vølstad 2013: Knowledge issues in ICZM and EBM applied on small geog...
Current teaching activities: ...institutional & policy analysis; institutional development for MSP, ICZM, natural resource and conserv...and knowledge integration.
Empirical case experience to draw upon: MSP/ICZM/conservation/natural resource...
Education & career: ...ds of Hel" (1997-1999)
assistant and project manager at VASAB 2020 Secretariat, Gdańsk (1999-2006) - working in the field of regional development, ICZM and MSP;
Head of Spatial Pol...
Projects: the Conceptual Framework for MSP and the Common Regional Framework on ICZM in the Mediterranean, in the...methodology to perform analysis of land-sea interactions within MSP and ICZM, in the context of SUPREME an...
Projects: ...aNet Interreg project (Coastal Practitioners Network) which developed an ICZM case study database and beach...-wide QualityCoast awards. I was also involved as an expert assessor for ICZM case studies for the European...
Research activities: Interests:
Comparative study of practices of ICZM and MSP
soft spaces of MSP
Relationship between terrestrial and marine spatial planning
Metageographies of coastal management
Situated practices of nature conservation
Evaluation of alignment of MSP with EU environmental objectives
Education & career: ...ffice
Led the development of a departmental Coastal and Ocean Engagement Framework and served as Departmental representative on inter-governmental ICZM initiatives
1999 – 2009 ...