Juan Luis Suárez de Vivero

Phone: +34954551365
Education & career


Doctorate in Geography (1984); Graduate in Geography and History (1977); Officer of the Merchant Marine (1969)

 Professor Emeritus

Scientific disciplines

Geography, Marine Sciences/Maritime Studies, Ocean governance and ICZM

Research activities

Maritime policies and maritime spatial planning, Geographical dimension of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, Coastal zone management, Fisheries management (fishing communities, social institutions and participation). Academic and professional experience: international research projects in maritime affairs especially within the European Union's research framework programmes, namely fisheries management systems, coastal area management, maritime spatial planning and the development of specialised atlases for maritime policy and maritime spatial planning. Experience in maritime consultancy with international organisations (European Commission, IUCN, PAP/RAC, Interamerican Development Bank) and private consultants.

Group membership

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