Yves Henocque

Education & career

PhD, Marine ecology

Integrated coastal management, CRC, University of Rhode Island, USA

Current teaching activities

Med-Open E-training on ICZM/MSP, Mediterranean Action Plan, PAP/RAC, Croatia

Research activities

ICZM/MSP local governance and stakeholders participation


EU MSP Platform Assistance Mechanism, Westmed expert

Selected publications (up to 5)

Henocque Y. et B. Kalaora. 2016. Integrated management of seas and coastal areas in the age of globalization. In ‘Governance of seas and oceans’, Ed. Wiley, pp. 233-272

                    -Henocque Y. 2016. Integrated vs. sectoral: an assessment of coastal zone management integration, pressures and new activities inputs – The challenge of marine managed areas. Article de contribution à l’ouvrage piloté par l’AAMP. Ed. Springer.

                    -Henocque Y. 2016. The crafting of deep seabed mining ecosystem-based management. In Deep-sea mining: resource potential, technical, environment, legal and management issues. Chapter E. Legal and management issues. Ed. Springer.

-Henocque Y. 2018. Sustainable communities and multilevel governance in the age of coastal storms. In “Facing hydro-meteorological extreme events in Europe: a governance issue”. Ed. Wiley.  

-Henocque Y. 2019. Guide de bonnes pratiques – Plans de gestion intégrée des zones côtières des Etats et Territoires insulaires océaniens – Projets INTEGRE et RESCCUE, UE/AFD/CPS

-Henocque Y. 2020. Ce que tu connaîtraus, tu chériras – Connaissance, experimentation et apprentissage collectifs, ou comment decider dans l’incertitude. In ‘Mers et Océans – Sauver notre devenir’ , Ed. Autonomia, Libre et Solidaire.

Group membership

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