Bas Bolman


Boussinesqweg 1
2629 HV Delft
The Netherlands

Education & career

Bas Bolman is a senior advisor in marine and coastal management at Deltares since 2017. He develops and implements national and international projects relating to fisheries and aquaculture. These projects follow an integrated approach and are implemented in the context of topics such marine governance, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), climate change and multi-use. In ICZM and MSP projects he is often involved in framework and indicator development in interaction with policy makers and other stakeholders. Currently he is involved in a framework contract for the European Environmental Agency, focussing on research on the sustainable use of Europe’s seas. Within Deltares he is also co-leading the Horizon 2020 project IMPAQT, emphasising sustainable aquaculture in Europe in the context of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture. From 2014-2017 he was a researcher at Wageningen Economic Research, where he developed and implemented marine governance and aquaculture projects. Bolman was responsible for building public-private partnerships with the international seafood industry, NGOs and governments to enable sustainable development of aquaculture supply chains in Africa (Ghana, Kenya, Uganda) and Asia (Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia). He was also a work package leader of the Horizon 2020 project SUCCESS, focussing on the competitiveness of European fisheries and aquaculture. Furthermore Bolman was involved in the H2020 project MARIBE, aiming unlock the potential of multi-use of space in the Blue Economy. From 2010-2014 he worked for IMARES. Amongst others he was a work package leader for the FP7 project COEXIST, focussing on a better integration of fisheries, aquaculture and other activities in the coastal zone. He was also in charge of a Nature 2000 assessment of fisheries in Marine Protected Areas. From 2008-2010 he has been setting up public-private partnerships at the Dutch Ministry of Fisheries, aiming to work towards innovative techniques for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Bolman studied at Wageningen University where he received a Master’s degree in international marine resource management (Cum Laude) in 2007.

Available for teaching/education
2018 - 2019 Contributing to the IOC-UNESCO Global Ocean Science Report, Netherlands
Senior researcher
Data collection
2018 - 2018 Review and Analysis of Small Scale Aquaculture Production in East Africa on request of the Msingi Aquaculture Programme, Uganda
Senior researcher
- Field mission to Uganda for data collection - Desk study on small-scale aquaculture in Uganda - Data analysis and writing of chapter on Uganda
2018 - 2019 Exploration of future multi-use in wind farms , Netherlands
Project leader
- Editor - Desk study on new multi-use technologies - Policy analysis
2017 - 2017 Kuwait ICZM Framework, Kuwait
Senior researcher
The objectives of this task were to identify: 1. Typical indicators used in ICZM in international practice 2. Indicators currently used for management of the coastal zone in Kuwait 3. Possible indicators for Kuwait ICZM
2017 - 2017 Oceans Report - Addressing SDG14 issues with factual data and state of the art knowledge, Netherlands
Project leader and researcher
- Project management - Editor - Responsible for blue economy assessment
2017 - 2018 European Topic Centre - State of Europe's seas, EU
Senior researcher
Blue economy assessment for fisheries, aquaculture, shipping, dredging and oil & gas
2016 - 2017 Quick scan fisheries and aquaculture Indonesia, Netherlands
Project leader and researcher
Bolman was involved in the implementation of the third objective, to identify opportunities and constraints regarding the (potential) cooperation in G2G, B2B and PPPs.
2016 - 2016 Polder management in Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Project leader and researcher
Bolman was the overall project leader and responsible for socio-economic data collection.
2016 - 2017 3R Kenya, Kenya
Team coordinator
Bolman was the coordinator of the aquaculture team and involved in the quick scan. The latter report characterized the status quo of the aquaculture sector in Kenya as of 2016/2017.
2015 - 2015 Capacity building for sustainable aquaculture and fisheries development in Myanmar, Myanmar
Bolman was involved in visiting universities to assess aquaculture education.
2015 - 2015 Institutional Capacity Building for Fishery Producer Organizations in Turkey, Turkey
Short term expert
Bolman was involved in explaining and discussing he Common Fisheries Policy.
2015 - 2017 Horizon 2020 - SUCCESS, EU
Work Package Leader
- Leading work package 1 - Responsible for deliverables such as: identification of global drivers, Non-Tariff Measures, economic modelling
2015 - 2016 Horizon 2020 - MARIBE, EU
Bolman was involved in designing the investor database and to analyse the survey data.
2015 - 2015 Feasibility study for aquaculture in Ghana, Ghana
Bolman’s role was to collect socio-economic data and to process these in the report and business cases.
2014 - 2014 Feasibility study for aquaculture in Kenya, Kenya,Netherlands
Bolman’s role was to collect socio-economic data and to process these in the report.
2014 - 2017 Food Tech Africa, Kenya,Netherlands
Bolman was responsible for the coordination of the research performed by Wageningen Research. He was involved in the environmental impact study on intensive aquaculture.
Selected publications (up to 5)
2018 Bolman, B., Boon, A., Brière, C. van de Guchte, C., Prins, T., Roex, E., Spiteri, C., Mira Veiga, J., Vethaak, D., Villars, N. Oceans Report - Addressing SDG14 issues with factual data and state of the art knowledge. Report 11200587-000-ZWS-0003. Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands.
2018 van Duijn, A. P., van der Heijden, P. G., Bolman, B., Rurangwa, E., Meeks, J., Meijberg, A., ... & Rutaisire, J. (2018). Review and analysis of small-scale aquaculture production in East Africa: Summary and Recommendations.Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, report No. 18-019.
2018 Bolman, B., Jak, R. G., & van Hoof, L. Unravelling the myth–The use of Decisions Support Systems in marine management.Marine Policy, 87
2018 Bolman, B., van Duijn, A. P., Rutaisire, J., Rurangwa, E., & van der Heijden, P. G. M. Review and analysis of small-scale aquaculture production in East Africa: Part 4. UGANDA Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, report No. 18-021
2017 Obwanga, B., Lewo, M. R., Bolman, B. C., & van der Heijden, P. G. M. From aid to responsible trade: driving competitive aquaculture sector development in Kenya (No. 2017-092 3R Kenya). Wageningen University & Research.
2017 Van Den Burg S, Stuiver M, Wijnen R, Bolman B, Selnes T and Dalton G Mobilising investors for Blue Growth. Frontiers in Marine Science
2016 Jansen, H.M., Burg, S. Bolman, B., Jak, R.G., Kamermans, P., Poelman, M., & Stuiver, S. The feasibility of offshore aquaculture and its potential for multi-use in the North SeaAquaculture International
2016 Rurangwa, E., Schram, E., Goudswaard, K., Kals, J., Bolman, B.C. Environmental impact of intensive aquaculture in East Africa. IMARES report no. C096/15, LEI report no. VR2015-088
2016 Obwanga, B., Mwarabu, R. L. & Bolman, B.C. (Ed.) From aid to sustainable trade: driving competitive aquaculture sector development. A quick scan of the aquaculture sector in Kenya. Wageningen University & Research, Report 3R, Kenya
2015 Rurangwa, E., Werven, R. van & B.C. Bolman Feasibility Study for Tilapia Farming in the upper Mara River Basin of Kenya. Report written for the MaMaSe project.IMARES Report C169/14.
2015 Steins, N.A., Bosma, R.H., Taal, C., Bolman, B.C., Bink, E., Dop, H. van den, Dekker, A., Numan, J. Spek, G. Pijl, W. van der (2015). Capacity building for sustainable aquaculture and fisheries development in Myanmar.IMARES report C075/15.
2015 Rurangwa, E. Agyakwah, S.K., Boon, H. & Bolman B.C. Development of Aquaculture in Ghana - Analysis of the fish value chain and potential business cases. IMARES report C021/15.

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