Andrea Morf


Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment, University of Gothenburg, Seminariegatan 1F, Göteborg

Nordregio, Holmadmiralens väg 10, Stockholm

Current teaching activities

Lecturing and instructing at expert level, bachelor, master and PhD level on participation, conflict management, transboundary collaboration, institutional & policy analysis; institutional development for MSP, ICZM, natural resource and conservation management, evaluation, transdisciplinarity and knowledge integration.

Empirical case experience to draw upon: MSP/ICZM/conservation/natural resource management systems in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Scandinavia, Baltic, EU.

Practical exercises in relation to: qualitative research methods, participatory methods & process facilitation, creative group work, knowledge integration.

Role play activities and seminars using own material and the MSP Challenge table and large group game.

Depending on workload, on-going projects possible to combine social sciences internships and thesis writing at Master level (one at a time). OBS; understanding of Swedish and/or other Nordic language may be required (qualitative social sciences data).

Research activities

Senior Research Fellow at Nordregio, Stockholm: Scientific analysis in the areas of coastal and marine spatial planning, integrated coastalmanagement, multilevel governance, participation and conflict management with special focus oninstitutional development in the North, the Baltic and the EU.

Scientific coordinator and analyst, Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment, Head Office at the University of Gothenburg in the area of coastal an marine and coastal environmental management, planning, and policy through various types of projects and analyses, teaching at professional and resarch-level, organisation and moderation of expert workshops and more.

Selected publications (up to 5)

Morf A, Gee K, Kull M, Piwowarczyk J. 2019. Towards a ladder of MSP participation. Chapter in Anthology on ‘Marine spatial planning – past, present, future’, chapter 10 In: Zaucha, J., & Gee, K. (eds). Marine spatial planning – past, present, future. Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 219-244. ISBN 978-3-319-98695-1 ISBN 978-3-319-98696-8 (eBook);

Janßen H, Varjopuro R, Luttmann A, Morf A and Nieminen H. 2018. Imbalances in interaction for transboundary Marine Spatial Planning: Insights from the Baltic Sea Region. Ocean and Coastal Management 161C: 201-210, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.05.008

Hassler, B, Saunders, F, Stalmokaite, I, Gilek, M, Morf, A, Luttman, A, Strand H, Zaucha, J, Gee, K. (2017). Collective Action and Agency in Baltic Sea Marine Spatial Planning: Transnational Policy Coordination in the Promotion of Regional Coherence, Marine Policy

Morf, A., Sandström, A., & Jagers, S.C. 2017. Balancing sustainability in two pioneering marine national parks in Scandinavia, Ocean & Coastal Management, Vol. 139, April 2017, pp. 51–63,

Jay, S., Flannery, W., Vince, J. Liu, W-H., Guifang Xue, J., Matczak, M., Zaucha, J., Janssen, H., van Tatenhove, J., Toonen, H., Morf, A., Olsen, E., Suárez de Vivero, J.L., Rodríguez Mateos, J.C., Calado, H., Duff, J. and Dean, H.. 2013. International Progress in Marine Spatial Planning. In: Ocean Yearbook 27. Pp. 171-212.

Group membership

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