Cormac Walsh


Bergkoppelweg 30

22335 Hamburg

Education & career


Since June 2021: Lecturer and Researcher, Leuphana University, Lüneburg (Institute for Ecology)

Since Autumn 2020: Independent Researcher and Consultant, Dr. Cormac Walsh Research and Consulting,

 11/2013 - 01/2020          Researcher and Lecturer: Institute for Geography, University of Hamburg (Department of Integrated Geography)

Since 09/2016           Research Project: Metageographies and Spatial Frames: Coastal Management as Situated Practice in the international Wadden Sea Region, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG Eigene Stelle), Cross-comparative (DE, DK, NL) interpretative analysis of coastal management and nature conservation focussed on spatial concepts and nature-culture relations (funded 09/2016 – 01/2020).

12/2011 – 10/2013      Researcher and Lecturer, HafenCity University Hamburg, Urban Planning and Regional Development

04/2010 – 11/2011       Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, National University of Ireland, Maynooth.

 ESPON Contact Point (Ireland) - (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion), Representation of ESPON in Ireland and Europe, Member of the steering committee of the ESPON INTERSTRAT project, Organisation of expert workshops, development, coordination and preparation of research applications.                                                                      

Applied research on spatial planning and cross-border cooperation (Ireland/Northern Ireland) in cooperation with the International Centre for Local and Regional Development, funded by INTERREG IVA.

09/2006 – 09/2009:        Research Fellow: UCD Urban Institute Ireland, University College Dublin

Project:Urban Environment Project: Decision-Support Tools for Managing the Urban Environment, funded by the (Irish) Environment Protection Agency.

Preparation of acellular automata land-use model and decision-support system for the Dublin city-region, analysis of landcover data sets in an inter-disciplinary team (social, engineering and biological sciences).


Education and Qualifications

09/2006 -06/2010:  PhDSchool of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, University College Dublin (UCD), Dublin, Ireland

Title of PhD Thesis: Strategic Spatial Planning at the Regional and Local Scales: A Case Study of the Dublin City-Region.


09/2004 – 08/2005: MSc.  ‘Global Transformations’ Department of Geography Loughborough University, UK.


09/2001 – 06/2004: BA National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM) Geography (Economics and mathematical physics as minor subjects)



Other key interests
Current teaching activities

Seminars / Lectures across the field of human geography, spatial and environmental planning



Research activities


Comparative study of practices of ICZM and MSP

soft spaces of MSP

Relationship between terrestrial and marine spatial planning

Metageographies of coastal management

Situated practices of nature conservation

Evaluation of alignment of MSP with EU environmental objectives

Selected publications (up to 5)
  1. Walsh, C., Sielker, F., Smith, G. & Crawford, J. (eds.) (2022) Planning for Sea Spaces I: Processes, Practices and Future Perspectives, Planning Practice and Research (special issue on marine spatial planning).
  2. Walsh, C. (2021) Transcending Land-Sea Dichotomies through Strategic Spatial Planning, Regional Studies (online first),
  3. Walsh, C. (2021) Best Practice in Maritime Spatial Planning: Towards Mutually Beneficial Outcomes for Fishers, Renewable Energy Production and Marine Conservation, commissioned by Grace O’ Sullivan MEP / Greens / EFA in the European Parliament, download here.
  4. Walsh, C. & Kannen, A. (2019) Spatial Planning at Sea: Shifting Planning Practices at the North Sea Coast of Germany, Raumforschung und Raumordnung: Spatial Research and Planning, 77, (2) 147-164,
  5. Walsh, C. (2019) Integration of Expertise or Collaborative Practice? Coastal Management and Climate Adaptation at the Wadden Sea, Ocean and Coastal Management, 167, 78-86

Group membership

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