Results for "participation"


    • Malena Ripken

      Malena Ripken

      Research activities: Stakeholder participation / engagement in transnational MSP, especially: Living Q Method MSP Challenge Games

      • Brice Trouillet

        Brice Trouillet

        Selected publications (up to 5): ...ssons Learned. Ocean Yearbook Online, 36(1), 346-380. Tissière L., & Trouillet, B. (2022) What participation means in marine spatial plann...

        • Juan Luis Suárez de Vivero

          Juan Luis Suárez de Vivero

          Research activities: ...ension of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, Coastal zone management, Fisheries management (fishing communities, social institutions and participation). Academic and professional e...

          • Wesley Flannery

            Wesley Flannery

            Research activities: stakeholder participation; port and coastal transitions; coastal and marine cultural heritage; power and MSPSelected publications (up to 5): ...rnance: learning from transition management. Marine Policy, 95, pp.24-35. Link Flannery, W., Healy, N., and Luna, M. (2017) Exclusion and non-participation in Marine Spatial Planning. M...

            • Yves Henocque

              Yves Henocque

              Research activities: ICZM/MSP local governance and stakeholders participation

              • Helena Maria Gregório Pina Calado

                Helena Maria Gregório Pina Calado

                Projects: ...s. ACORES-01-0145-FEDER000091CRYPTO - Financiado pelo PO Governo Regional dos Açores 2020 – EU; 2018-2021, Total founding amount: 179.998,13€. Participation: Calado, H. 2021/…  - MSP-OR...

                • Elizabeth M. De Santo

                  Elizabeth M. De Santo

                  Selected publications (up to 5): ...exts. Environmental Science & Policy 75: 38-46 De Santo, E.M. (2016) Assessing stakeholder “participation” in environmental decision-ma...

                  • Andrea Morf

                    Andrea Morf

                    Current teaching activities: Lecturing and instructing at expert level, bachelor, master and PhD level on participation, conflict management, transboundary collaboration, institutional & policy analysis; institu...Research activities: ...egio, Stockholm: Scientific analysis in the areas of coastal and marine spatial planning, integrated coastalmanagement, multilevel governance, participation and conflict management with...Selected publications (up to 5): Morf A, Gee K, Kull M, Piwowarczyk J. 2019. Towards a ladder of MSP participation. Chapter in Anthology on ‘Marine spatial planning – past, present, future’, chapter 10 In: Zaucha, J., &...

                    • Magdalena Matczak

                      Magdalena Matczak

                      Research activities: ...ltic MSP projects intersted mostly in the spatial conflicts management, cultural heriatege aspects, cross-sectoral approach and active public participation

                      • Lucy Greenhill

                        Lucy Greenhill

                        Selected publications (up to 5): .... Brooker, E., Hopkins, C.R., Devenport, E., Greenhill, L., Duncan, C., (2019). Civil society participation in the Scottish marine planni...

                        • Margarida Almodovar

                          Margarida Almodovar

                          Current teaching activities: Some participation as guest lecture concerning MSP and ICM issues on some masters and degrees Co-advisor some theses on MSP

                          • Michele Quesada da Silva

                            Michele Quesada da Silva

                            Selected publications (up to 5): ...(2019) Unveiling the genesis of a marine spatial planning arena in Brazil (2019) Stakeholder Participation Assessment Framework (SPAF):...

                            • Ben McAteer

                              Ben McAteer

                              Education & career: ...transition management, marine and coastal planning and stakeholder participation.   2017-2021: PhD in Envi...ich participatory research can support more engaged forms of public participation in marine governance regimes....Current teaching activities: ...emerging environmental planning challenges. These include the topics of Marine Spatial Planning, flood risk management, the circular economy, participation in planning, and citizen scie...Selected publications (up to 5): Management, 218, 106036. McAteer, B., Flannery, W. and Murtagh, B., 2021. Linking the motivations and outcomes of volunteers to understand participation in marine community science....

                              • Sereno DuPrey Diederichsen

                                Sereno DuPrey Diederichsen

                                Other key interests: Public Participation

                                • Jon C. Day

                                  Jon C. Day

                                  Selected publications (up to 5): ...plague marine protected areas. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (Suppl. 2): 7-23 (2016) Day JC (2017) Effective Public Participation is Fundamental for Marine Con...