Lucy Greenhill

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Selected publications (up to 5)

Greenhill, L., T. A. Stojanovic, and P. Tett (2020). Does marine planning enable progress towards adaptive governance of marine systems? Lessons from Scotland’s regional marine planning process. Maritime Studies

Greenhill, L., Kenter, J.O., Dannevig, H. (2020). Adaptation to climate change – related ocean acidification: an adaptive governance approach. Ocean & Coastal Management, 191, 105176.

Brooker, E., Hopkins, C.R., Devenport, E., Greenhill, L., Duncan, C., (2019). Civil society participation in the Scottish marine planning process and the role of Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations. Journal of Environmental Planning Management. 1–38.

Greenhill, L. (2016) Challenges and Opportunities for Governance in Marine Planning, in Yates, K and Richardson, C (Eds.) Offshore Energy and Marine Spatial Planning, Routledge, 1st Edition, 320p.

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