Results for "MSP training"




    • Natașa Vaidianu

      COST OceanGov – Land-Sea Interactions Training School in Constanta

      ...17) a Land-Sea Interactions Training School will be held at Ovidiu...xperience in these fields. This training school will focus on three sp...ociety. Lecturers will enable training school participants to develo...For further information on COST Training Schools please refer to the d...

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      • Sue Kidd

        Sue Kidd

        Key interests: Ecosystem based management, ICM, MSP processes, MSP training, Practitioner involvement, Spatial theory, Transboundary

        • Malena Ripken

          Malena Ripken

          Key interests: Ecosystem based management, Education (problem drivern), Education (research-based), Energy, MSP processes, MSP training, Power relations, Practitioner involvement, Spatial theory, Transboundary

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