Natașa Vaidianu


Bucharest, Romania

Education & career

PhD in Geography at University of Bucharest

Current teaching activities

Environmental Geography

Governance and management of coastal areas

Marine Spatial Planning

Research activities

stakeholder involvement in MSP

ocean governance

coastal communities and adaptation to climate change


Bridging the gaps: An innovative and operational participatory platform to connect science, stakeholders and policy for successful maritime spatial planning in Romania (project manager), 2018-2020.

CO-LAND: Inclusive COastal landscapes: activating green and blue infrastructure for sustainable development of the urban-LAND interface, ERASMUS PLUS project (2016-2020)

COST Action Ocean Governance for Sustainability - Challenges, Options and the Role of Science (2016-2020) – National representative for Romania

Changes in storminess and coastal erosion induced by climate variability along the Black Sea Coast. Management and adaptation, FP7 Initiative ERA.Net RUS Plus, Partners: University of Bucharest, Romania, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016 – 2018

Development of an integrated framework for marine spatial planning in Romania (project manager) (2015-2017)

Vulnerable and Resilient Structures In Romania: 25 Years of Transformations and Lessons for the Future (2015-2017)

EU scoping mission to assess the feasibility of a project on Integrated Maritime policy in the Black Sea (2015-2016)

Ecological reconstruction of the areas owned by Mahmudia Council in the frame of agricultural arrangements Carasuhat from Danube Delta” (2014-2016)

ESPON “Spatial indicators for an ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’ territorial analysis”, ESPON 2013 project, (2011-2013) – Project Manager for the Romanian Partner.

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