Results for "Climate Change Adaptation"


    • Cathal O'Mahony

      Cathal O'Mahony

      Other key interests: Climate Change Adaptation

      • Emiliano Ramieri

        Emiliano Ramieri

        Other key interests: Climate change adaptationProjects: ...ollowing MSP-related aspects: climate change adaptation, ecosystem approach, land-...CA – European Topic Centre on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation. Client: EEA - European framework for integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation into MS...

        • Glen Smith

          Glen Smith

          Education & career: ...03/2021 - Present Research Fellow. Flood Hazard Research Centre (FHRC). Middlesex University, London. SOLARIS Project (SOLidarity in climate change Adaptation policies:towards more socio-s...Other key interests: Coastal climate change adaptation.Research activities: I am currently working on a JPI Climate (UKRI) funded project called SOLARIS (SOLidarity in climate change Adaptation policies:towards more socio-spatial's coastal and marine areas in the context of climate change. This involves the various iterat...Selected publications (up to 5): Smith, G., LeTissier, M., O’Hagan, A. M., & Farrell, E. J. (2022). Policy coherence for climate change adaptation at the land-sea interface in Ireland. Planning Practice & Research, 37...

          • Lawrence (Larry) Hildebrand

            Lawrence (Larry) Hildebrand

            Other key interests: climate change adaptation