Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy - University College Cork
SIMCelt - Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Celtic Seas
TPEA - Transboundary Planning in the European Atlantic
SIMAtlantic – Supporting the Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Atlantic
PISCES - Partnerships Involving Stakeholders in the Celtic sea Eco-System
Jay, S., Alves, F.L., O’Mahony, C., Gomez, M., Rooney, A., de Vivero, J.L.S, Almodovar, M., Goncalves, J., Gee, K., Fernandes, M.L., Tello, O., Twomey, S., Prado, I., Fonseca, C., Bentes, L. (2016) Transboundary Dimensions of Marine Spatial Planning: Fostering Inter-jurisdictional Relations and Governance. Marine Policy, 65: 85-96.
Flannery W, O'Hagan AM, O'Mahony C, Ritchie H, and Twomey S. (2015) Evaluating Conditions for Transboundary Marine Spatial Planning: Challenges and opportunities on the Island of Ireland. Marine Policy, 51: 86-95.
Gilbert, AJ, Alexander, K, Sardá, R, Brazinskaite, R, Fischer, C, Gee, K, Jessopp, M, Kershaw, P, Los, HJ, March Morla, D, O'Mahony C, Pihlajamäki, M., Rees, S, and Varjopuro. R. (2015) Marine spatial planning and Good Environmental Status: a perspective on spatial and temporal dimensions. Ecology and Society, 20(1): 64.
O'Mahony C, O'Hagan AM and Meaney E (2012) A review of beach bye-law usage in supporting coastal management in Ireland. Coastal Management, 40(5): 461-483.
O'Mahony C, Gault, J., Cummins V., Köpke K, and O'Suilleabhain D. (2009) Assessment of recreation activity and its application to integrated management and spatial planning for Cork Harbour, Ireland. Marine Policy, 33(6): 930-937.