Results for "Climate change"


    • Glen Smith

      Glen Smith

      Education & career: ...CAREER 03/2021 - Present Research Fellow. Flood Hazard Research Centre (FHRC). Middlesex University, London. SOLARIS Project (SOLidarity in climate change Adaptation policies:towards m...Other key interests: Coastal climate change adaptation.Research activities: I am currently working on a JPI Climate (UKRI) funded project called SOLARIS (SOLidarity in climate change Adaptation policies:towards more socio-spatial jus...reland's coastal and marine areas in the context of climate change. This involves the various it...Selected publications (up to 5): Smith, G., LeTissier, M., O’Hagan, A. M., & Farrell, E. J. (2022). Policy coherence for climate change adaptation at the land-sea interface in Ireland. Planning Practice & Researc...

      • Catarina Frazão Santos

        Catarina Frazão Santos

        Education & career: ocean sustainability. She is currently leading a R&D project with a team of renowned international experts on the nexus among MSP, climate change and ocean sustainability (www...Other key interests: Climate changeProjects: OCEANPLAN - Marine spatial planning under global climate change (2018-2021). R&D project funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under grant agreement PTDC/CTA-AMB/30226/2017. PI: Catarina Frazão Santos. Selected publications (up to 5): ...ssi E, Halpern BS, Orbach MK, Pörtner H-O & Rosa R. Integrating climate change in ocean planning. Nature Sust...Ehler CN, Orbach M & Rosa R. 2016. Ocean planning in a changing climate. Nature Geoscience 9: 730. d...

        • Lawrence (Larry) Hildebrand

          Lawrence (Larry) Hildebrand

          Other key interests: climate change adaptation

          • Giulio Farella

            Giulio Farella

            Education & career: Post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Marine Sciences of the Italian National Research Council (CNR ISMAR, Venice), with a MSc in marine biology and PhD in Ecology and climate change.

            • Dhritiraj Sengupta

              Dhritiraj Sengupta

              Education & career: ...methods to map long term coastal change and habitat loss due to land r...romote the research  Code for Climate, Shanghai (2020-2021) - on making cities resilient to climate change ·        Partnered with Le W...for mapping long term coastline changes Gaining expertise in a broa...

              • Mara Ntona

                Mara Ntona

                Education & career: ...gow, UK) 2014-2015, Master of Laws (LLM) in Global Environment & Climate Change Law, University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, UK) 2010-2011, Erasmus Exchange Programme, University of Pari...