Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Anglia Ruskin University
Doctor of Business Administration, Kingston University
Master of Business Administration, University of Leicester
Higher National Certificate in Business, West London College
Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (FRGS, 1087217)
Member, Association for Geographic Information (18230)
Fellow, Advance HE (FHEA, PR074542)
2019- Tutor in British Sign Language (BSL), Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge
2017- Lecturer in Economic and Human Geography and GIS, The University of the Third Age, Cambridge
2014-2017 Visiting professor in Research, HELBUS Helsinki School of Business, Helsinki.
2013-2015 Curriculum developer, leader, lecturer in Economics, Business & Accounting, Anglia Ruskin University.
2012-2014 Curriculum developer, leader, lecturer in Economics and Development, Cambridge Regional College of Further and Higher Education, Cambridge.
2012-2013 Lecturer in Economics and Accounting, Derby University.
2011-2012 Tutor in Modern Languages, Wintercomfort for the Homeless, Cambridge.
2009-2010 Grundtvig teacher and programme leader, Cannes Université, Cannes, France.
2001-2009 Research associate, Kingston Business School, Kingston University.
Expert contribution and consultations:
Panellist and speaker
Research seminars and workshops:
Articles in magazines, newspapers and other professional journals:
- Mendas, Z. (2015) “Understated frontier of remote and rural regions of island archipelagos”. 55th ERSA Congress 2015, “World Renaissance: Changing roles for people and places”. Session: “Development and Growth of Rural and Remote Regions: Challenges and Opportunities”, 25-29 August 2015. Lisbon.
- Mendas, Z. (2015) “Rethinking the Distance: Broadband as a catalyst for growth in remote and rural regions”. 4th Global Conference on Economic Geography 2015, 19-23 August 2015. Oxford University.
- Mendas, Z. (2015) “Economic, social and environmental factors affecting the European islands: Challenges and opportunities for adopting the Ecosystem Approach to island development”, Poster Sess.3, Re: P3.26, ECSA 55 Unbounded boundaries and shifting baselines: Estuaries and coastal seas in a rapidly changing world, London, 6-9 Sept. 2015.
- Mendas, Z. (2015) “Toward a sustainable spatial island ecosystem of island archipelago in Zadar, Croatia”, Track: A viable ecosystem for a sustainable society. In: Proceedings of BONUS 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas and Bonus Forum Policy Day, 15-19 June 2015, Riga. Latvian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Aquatic Ecology. Available at:
- Mendas, Z. (2015) “In the spirit of Pluralism: Methods and Sustainability”. Global Sustainability Institute 2nd Research Conference ‘The Interface between Sustainability Research and Policy’. January 26-27 2015. Anglia Ruskin University.
- Mendas, Z. (2015) “Harnessing Dis-Ability”. Anglia Ruskin University Annual Teaching Conference 2015, 30 June 2015. Anglia Ruskin University. Available at:
Mendas, Z. (2014) “Toward a pluralistic and interpretivistic insight to research in space economy”. Regional Studies Association Winter Conference 2014 ‘Sustainable Recovery? Rebalancing, Growth, and the Space Economy’, 27-28 Nov. London.
- Mendas, Z. (2014) “Regional versus local development: A case of the city of Zadar, Croatia and remote and rural islands”. Island Dynamics Conference on Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos,21-25 October. Copenhagen.
- Mendas, Z. (2014) “From Dominance to Interdependence: Toward a sustainable development of the coastal region in the municipality of Zadar”. RSAIBIS 43rd Annual Conference, August 19-21. Aberystwyth: Aberystwyth University.
- Mendas, Z. (2014) “Exploring the terrain of liminality in rural and remote island communities”. 9th Annual Liverpool Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences in association with the Journal of Organizational Ethnography on ‘Ethnography and liminality: boundaries, opportunities and living ‘at the edge’, 27-29 August. Liverpool University. Best Paper category (2nd place).
- Mendas, Z. (2013) “Exploring the Terrain of Friendship”. 3rd International Symposium on Critical Narrative Inquiry: Doing organizational ethnography; work, politics and organizational storytelling, Center for Research on Organizations and Workplaces. October. Kozminski University