Sybil Berne


20 Fitzwilliam Place

Dublin 2, D02YV58


Phone: 0035316762594
Education & career


BSc Geography, Spatial Planning, Environment and Logistics (axis: spatial planning and urbanism), 2008, Université Paris la Sorbonne (France)

Master in Regional and Urban Planning, 2012, University College Dublin, Ireland

MSc Marine Spatial Planning, 2018, Ulster University, United Kingdom



Since 2012: Planning Consultant, MacCabe Durney Barnes, Dublin, Ireland

2011-2012: Assistant Planner, Norton UDP/Loci, Dublin Ireland

2009: Volunteer Peer Education, Eco-UNESCO

Other key interests

1. Funding Agency: Marine Institute

Title: National, International and EU Legal Instruments Relevant to the Development of a Marine Spatial Planning Framework in Ireland

Year: 2014-2015


2. Funding Agency: Environmental Protection Agency

Title: Towards an Integrated Policy Framework for Maritime Spatial Planning Ireland

Year: 2015-2016


3. Clients: Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment & Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Title: Guidance on the preparation of Environment Impact Statements (EIS) and Natura Impact Statements (NIS) for offshore renewable energy projects

Year: 2015-2017


4. Client: Marine Institute

Title: Spatial Data of Relevance to Marine Spatial Planning

Year: ongoing


4. Funding Agency: European Union under Topic SC5-15d

Title: MINLAND (Grant Agreement No 776679)

Year: 2017-2019





Selected publications (up to 5)

Slater, A. M., Kennedy, A., Grist, B., Barnes, J., & Berne, S. (2014). Desk Study Report: National, International and EU Legal Instruments Relevant to the Development of a Marine Spatial Planning Framework in Ireland. Marine Research Sub-Programme (NDP 2007-2013) Series: Marine Institute. Retrieved from

Norton C., Barnes J., O'Broin D., Flannery W., Adamson C., Berne S. (2016) Towards an Integrated Policy Framework for Maritime Spatial Planning in Ireland: Recommendations for Preparing Maritime Spatial Plans in Ireland, EPA Research Report No. 174. ISBN 978-1-84095-640-5 Retrieved from

Berne, S., McElduff L., Ritchie, R. (2019). 'Mortas ciné and the consultation problem: a review of social acceptance at the An Spidéal Marine and Renewable Energy Demonstration Site', Pleanail, 2019

Group membership

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