Stella Kyvelou


136, Syggrou Ave, 17671 Athens, Greece

Phone: +306945112323
Education & career

Dr. Stella Kyvelou the MSP focal point for the Eastern Mediterranean. She is Associate Professor at the Department of Economic and Regional Development of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. She studied Architecture-Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and holds a DEA and PhD in Spatial Planning, Regional & Urban Planning of the University Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne. She specialises in European environmental policy, local development and Maritime Spatial Planning, carrying out research and teaching of MSP at Panteion University.

Her research activities include European territorial development and cohesion and she was a Scientific Expert of the ESPON2006 National Contact Point (2000-2006) and Director of the ESPON2013 National Contact Point (2008-2015) providing, in parallel, consultancy to the Greek Ministry of Development. She has been involved as expert in several MSP projects, namely SUPREME, IMP facility for the Mediterranean, MUSES, IMP facility for the Black Sea etc. and as coordinator in ESPONTrain (LP), ESPON-INTERSTRAT, ESPON-USESPON, and ESPON-on-the-Road. Her research interests are focusing on blue growth, maritime spatial planning, tourism and heritage, land-sea interaction, sustainable urban development and sustainable construction inclusive growth, geography and geopolitics.

She is an author of several books and articles, columnist in electronic media and key-note speaker in meetings and conferences (e.g. European Maritime Day, ESPON seminars, IMP Facility for the Mediterranean, ECHOPOLIS 2018, Council of Europe Workshop, INTERREG Greece-Cyprus workshop about diving tourism etc.). She is currently Deputy Head of the Department of Economic and Regional development of Panteion University (2018-2020) and was Special Adviser to the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy on issues related to insular policies, MSP and protection of the marine environment (2018-2019).

Stella is president of the Greek-French and International non-profit entity SDMED Observation, Planning & Eco-Innovation.  She has a great number of publications in scientific journals, international conferences and scientific books, among them a collective Handbook entitled “Maritime Spatial issues: maritime dimension of territorial cohesion, MSP, sustainable blue growth” (ed.KRITIKI, 2016). Currently, she teaches at the MSTourHer International Master programme about tourism and heritage, focusing on MSP, UCH and MCH. In 2011, she was awarded by the French government «Chevalier à l’ordre de Palmes Académiques». She belongs also to the focal point on SDGs of Panteion University, focusing on SDG14 “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.


Other key interests
Selected publications (up to 5)
  • Kyvelou, S.S.I.; Ierapetritis, D.G. Fisheries Sustainability through Soft Multi-Use Maritime Spatial Planning and Local Development Co-Management: Potentials and Challenges in GreeceSustainability 202012, 2026.
  • Kyvelou, S.S.; Ierapetritis, D. Discussing and Analyzing “Maritime Cohesion” in MSP, to Achieve Sustainability in the Marine RealmSustainability 2019, 11, 3444. doi: 10.3390/su11123444
  • Kyvelou, S.S.I. & Ierapetritis, D.G. How to make blue growth operational? A local and regional stakeholders perspective in GreeceWMU J Marit Affairs (2019) 18: 249.
  • Kyvelou S., Maritime spatial planning as evolving policy in Europe: attitudes, challenges and trendsEuropean Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities – EQPAM, Vol.6, No3, July 2017, pp.1-14
  • Kyvelou St., Pothitaki I-V. "Current attitudes and lessons learnt in Maritime/Marine Spatial Planning” in Kitsiou D., Karydis M. (Eds) Marine Spatial Planning: Methodologies, Environmental Issues and current trends, Kitsiou D. and Karydis M. (Editors), NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Inc., New York, USA. pp. 71-92
  • Papageorgiou M., Kyvelou S., Transnational aspects of marine spatial planning and governance: adapting to the transboundary nature of the sea, European Journal of Environmental Sciences, Special Issue, 2018, pp. 31-37 DOI:


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