Finnish Environment Institute
Latokartanonkaari 11
00790 Helsinki
Occasional lectures as invited speaker, otherwise none.
On-going ones only:
Varjopuro, R. 2019. Evaluation of Marine Spatial Planning: Valuing the Process, Knowing the Impacts. In: Zaucha and Gee (eds.) Maritime Spatial Planning – past present and future. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland. pp: 417-440.
Janßen, Holger, Riku Varjopuro, Anne Luttmann, Andrea Morf and Hanna Nieminen 2018. Imbalances in interaction for transboundary marine spatial planning: Insights from the Baltic Sea Region. Ocean & Coastal Management, 161: 201-210
Gilbert, A. J., K. Alexander, R. Sardá, R. Brazinskaite, C. Fischer, K. Gee, M. Jessopp, P. Kershaw, H. J. Los, D. March Morla, C. O’Mahony, M. Pihlajamäki, S. Rees, and R. Varjopuro. 2015. Marine spatial planning and Good Environmental Status: a perspective on spatial and temporal dimensions. Ecology and Society, 20: 64
Varjopuro, R., Andrulewicz, E., Blenckner, T-. Dolch, T., Heiskanen, A.-S., Pihlajamäki,M., Brandt, U. S., Valman, M., Gee, K., Potts, T., Psuty, I. 2014. Coping with persistent environmental problems: systemic delays in reducing eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. Ecology and Society, 19: 48.
Hauck, Jennifer, Christoph Görg, Riku Varjopuro, Outi Ratamäki, Joachim Maes, Heidi Wittmer, and Kurt Jax 2013. ‘"Maps have an air of authority": Potential benefits and challenges of ecosystem service maps at different levels of decision making.’ Ecosystem Services, 4: 25-32.