Results for "marine biology"


    • Magdalena Matczak

      Magdalena Matczak

      Education & career: EDUCATION Master of Science (MSc) at University of Gdansk, in Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography (1991-1...eld of maritime spatial planning, integrated coastal zone management, marine resuorces management. Leader o...

      • Jason Hall-Spencer

        Jason Hall-Spencer

        Education & career: ...2020 Lecturer then Reader then Professor of Marine Biology 2020- Predident of the Brit..., Plymouth University.2000-2002 Lecturer in Marine Biology, University of Glasgow.1996-1...refighter with Strathclyde Firebrigade.1992 Marine Nature Conservation Review Tea...Other key interests: marine biologySelected publications (up to 5): has profound long-term impacts on maerl habitats. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57, 1407-1415. Hall-...cean acidification on macroalgal communities. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 400, 278-287.Rodo...

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        • Hannah Jones

          Careers in Marine Spatial Planning

          An upcoming webinar series is being launched aimed at young people...out getting into the field of marine planning or those who have ju...the MSP Research Network, Submariner network, IMECaN, the Young M...isa Simone de Grunt of the SUBMARINER network. followed by a serie...

          • MSPRN Admin

            Upcoming Early Career Marine Planner webinar series

            An upcoming webinar series is being launched aimed at young people...out getting into the field of marine planning or those who have ju...the MSP Research Network, Submariner network, IMECaN, the Young M...isa Simone de Grunt of the SUBMARINER network. followed by a serie...

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