Education & career: ...national seafood industry, NGOs and governments to enable sustainable development of aquaculture supply chains in Africa (Ghana, Kenya, Uganda) and Asia (Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indones...
Selected publications (up to 5): ...ttp://
Blue Technology-The Water-Energy Interrelationship Renewable Energies and Nutrient Recovery-AUTHOR ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AN...
Selected publications (up to 5): ...C. 2000. Making the Most of the Mersey Estuary: A Partnership Approach to Catchment Management. International Journal of Urban Sciences: Journal on Asian-Pacific Urban Studies and Af...
Research activities: ...Prof. Zhang has done lots of work to promote MSP theory and application research both in national and international jobs in the East and Southeast Asian area in the last ten years,...Selected publications (up to 5): Zhiwei Zhang, Lawrence Hildebrand, Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning Policy in the East Asian Seas: Assessment, Lessons Learned and Recommendations towards ecosystem-based manage...
Education & career: ...lanning (Blue Planning in Practice, BPiP – GIZ), since 2017, having trained teams in Brazil, Surinam, Argentina, Guyana and countries of the East Asia Seas Region. Additionally, Ma...Selected publications (up to 5): ...tml?v=2.1.196&i…e=en&multi=true&ark=/ark:/48223/pf0000375722/PDF/375722eng.pdf
Hermanns, L. (convener); Aheto, D. W., Bilgin, A.; Blasiak, R.; Brugere, C.; Evans, K.;...
Education & career: ...ation in Marine Spatial Planning and Management. November 16, 2015. East Asian Seas Congress. Danang, Vietn...n Building Partnerships in Environmental Management for the seas of East Asia. Fangchenggang China, Decembe...