Rozanne Spijkerboer

Education & career

I am educated as a spatial planner. I hold a Bachelor in Environment and Infrastructure Planning, and a Researcher Master in Regional Studies with a focus on Energy and Marine Spatial Planning, both from the University of Groningen. My PhD thesis is titled Institutional harmonization for energy transition: How actors ‘play the game’ of balancing renewable energy generation with other sea- and land-uses. Throughout my education and career, my focus has been on exploring the topic of energy transition, with a particular focus on marine spatial planning an offshore wind development as a new frontier of spatial planning. 

Current teaching activities

Co-supervisor on a PhD project on knowledge integration in marine spatial planning 

Available for teaching/education
Research activities

I am a postdoctoral research at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, focusing on Marine Spatial Planning and energy transition. Specifically, I focus on harmonization between the institutional frameworks that guide various sectors offshore to accommodate energy transition at sea. 

Selected publications (up to 5)

Spijkerboer, R. C. (2022) Institutional harmonization for energy transition: How actors ‘play the game’ of balancing renewable energy generation with other sea- and land-uses. Groningen: InPlanning. 10.33612/diss.211259536

Spijkerboer, R.C. (2021) The institutional dimension of integration in Marine Spatial Planning: the case of the Dutch North Sea Dialogues and Agreement. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:712982.

Spijkerboer, R.C., Zuidema, C., Busscher, T., & Arts, J. (2021) Unravelling institutional work patterns: Planning offshore wind farms in contested space. Journal of Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 40: 249-261.

Spijkerboer, R., Zuidema, C., Busscher, T., & Arts, J. (2020) The performance of marine spatial planning in coordinating offshore wind energy with other sea-uses: The case of the Dutch North Sea. Marine Policy, 115: 103860.


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