Mario Caña Varona


A UNEP partner

Teaterplassen 3
N-4836 Arendal

Education & career

Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Maritime Spatial Planning - University IUAV of Venice, University of the Azores  & University of Seville.

MSc Geographic Information Systems - University of Seville 


BSc Geography - University of Seville

Current teaching activities

My work at GRID-Arendal focuses on building capacities and supporting Marine Spatial Planning and Ocean Governance efforts in various parts of the world. 


Available for teaching/education
Research activities

My main areas of interest are marine spatial planning, blue economy, ocean governance, stakeholder engagement and communicating science.


Mami Wata, Enhancing marine management capacity in West, Central and Southern Africa (2015-2022). Financed by the German Ministry of the Environment (BMU) through its International Climate Initiative (IKI).

Blue Solutions (2013-2021). Financed by the German Ministry of the Environment (BMU) through its International Climate Initiative (IKI).

MarSP - Macaronesian Maritime Spatial Planning (2018-2019). Funded by EASME.

PADDLE - Planning in a liquid world with tropical stakes (2017-2023). Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange - RISE funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme.

GPSAzores - Geographical and Political Scenarios for Maritime Spatial Planning in the Azores and Atlantic (2016-2021). Funded by ERDF & ESF - Azores 2020 Operational Programme.

MUSES - Multi-Uses in European Seas (2016-2018). Funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme. 

Selected publications (up to 5)

Calado, H., Caña Varona, M., Suarez de Vivero, J. L., Moniz, F., Halim, F., Gabriel, D., Hipólito, C., Menini, E., Kramel, D., Vergílio, M., & Ferreira, M.A. 2019. Island geography shaping maritime space in Macaronesia. Europa XXI, 36.

Calado H. et al. 2019. Multi-uses in the Eastern Atlantic: Building bridges in maritime space.

Schultz-Zehden A. et al. 2018. Ocean Multi-Use Action Plan, MUSES project. Edinburgh.

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