Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardinger


Oceanographic Institute
University of São Paulo
Laboratory of Marine Management, Ecology and Conservation

Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, São Paulo - SP, 05508-120 - Room 112

Tel +55 (11) 3091-6594 / (47) 992858456

Education & career

2010 - 2014

University of Campinas (SP - Brazil)

PhD in Environment and Society

2006 - 2007

University College London (United Kingdom)

Msc. in Conservation

Dissertation "Local Ecological Knowledge and Marine Protected Areas for Marine Conservation in Brazil"

2000 - 2004

University of Vale do Itajaí (SC - Brazil)

Bsc. in Oceanography

Dissertation: "Local Ecological Knowledge of Goliath Grouper Epinephelus itajara as a tool for marine conservation in 'São Francisco do Sul' (Santa Catarina state, Brazil)"


Selected publications (up to 5)

Gerhardinger, L.C., Quesada-Silva, M., Gonçalves, L.R., Turra, A., 2019. Unveiling the genesis of a

marine spatial planning arena in Brazil. Ocean Coast. Manag. 179, 104825.



Gerhardinger, L.C.; de Carvalho, F.G.; Haak, L., Herbst, D.F.; Poderoso, R. A. 2018. Planning Blues:

Tenure rights fade under unjust 'blue planning'. Samudra Reports, January 2018, N78, p.42.

Available at: https://www.icsf.net/en/samudra/article/EN/78-4334-Planning-Blues.html


Gerhardinger L.C.; Gorris, P.; Gonçalves L.R.; Herbst D.F.; Vila-Nova D.A.; De Carvalho F.G.;

Glaser M.; Zondervan R.; Glavovic B.C. 2018. Healing Brazil's Blue Amazon: The role of

knowledge networks in nurturing cross-scale transformations at the frontlines of ocean

sustainability. Frontiers in Marine Science. v4, article 395,


Gerhardinger, L. C.; Mesquita, B.; Mattos, S.M.G. de; Mendonça, J.T.; Vila-Nova, D.; Bossolani, A.;

Scherer, R. 2017. Small Scale Fisheries in Brazil: A Strong, Cohesive Voice. SAMUDRA

REPORT, v. 76, p. 39-44.


Gerhardinger, L.C; de Castro, F.; Seixas, C.S. (2015) Scaling-up small-scale fisheries governability

through Marine Protected Areas in Southern Brazil. In: Governing the Governance of Small-

Scale Fisheries (Eds: Jentoft, S.; Chuenpagdee, R.). Springer Verlag, Amsterdam.

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