Kathryn Collins


Howell Marine Consulting

Living in Glasgow, Scotland

Education & career

Principal Consultant - Howell Marine Consulting (2021 - present)

Senior Environmental Consultant (offshore wind) - ITPEnergised (2020 - 2021)

PhD Marine Spatial Planning: Governance, Decision-making and Publicness in Marine Space 2020

PGCert Research Methods, Newcastle University 2017

Marine Case Officer/Manager - Marine Management Organisation (2012-2014/2014-2016)

MSc Town Planning, Newcastle University 2011

BA(hons) Philosophy, University of Warwick 2006



Current teaching activities

n/a - working in private consultancy

Research activities


My PhD thesis entitled “Governance, Decision Making and Publicness in Marine Space” draws heavily on my previous regulatory and EIA experience and has given me the opportunity to develop my understanding of stakeholder engagement within the offshore consenting process and in particular the policy drivers which apply to the offshore energy generation market. This has included extensive research into offshore consenting legislation, EIA and the marine licensing and Development Consent Order process. 

I am now working at Howell Marine Consulting, continuing to explore my research interests within Blue Economy, science-policy interface, and impact areas.

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