Dickon Howell

Education & career

2016 -

Director, Howell Marine Consulting

Director and founder of Howell Marine Consulting, specialising in all aspects of marine policy, marine planning, consenting and regulation, fisheries management, marine conservation and integrated marine and coastal zone management.

2016 -

Visiting Professor of Practice, Newcastle University

Visiting Professor at the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences providing expertise on marine governance, marine policy and achieving impact from their research programme.

2014 - 2016

Chief Scientific Advisor, MMO

Provided independent, marine science advice and analysis to the CEO, Directors, non-executive Board and Ministers. Responsible for overseeing the delivery of science, data and information for the MMO. Led the engagement on marine science with government, industry, academia and NGOs. This included advising on the scientific robustness of science underpinning management decisions including marine protected area management and EIA in English waters.


Director of Marine Development, MMO

Directed the delivery of marine licensing and marine spatial planning in England and contributed to the strategic direction of the delivery of marine management in England.

2011 - 2014

Head of Marine Licensing, MMO

Led the delivery of marine consenting in England. Developed and implemented the regulatory process for licensing marine development in England including major marine infrastructure. Developed and implemented the process for regulating marine licensing activities in Marine Conservation Zones in England.

2009 - 2011

Head of Strategic Development, MMO

Led the provision of strategic advice and direction during the establishment of a new marine agency in England. This included all aspects of strategy including how the strategic vision linked with operational delivery, through to advising UK Government on emerging UK and EC marine policy including the precautionary principle

2007 - 2009

Senior Marine Environmental Consultant, Royal Haskoning



Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States

Project leader supporting the OECS Commission in the development of national ocean policies and institutional delivery strategies for St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica and Grenada alongside the enhancement of the Eastern Caribbean Regional Ocean Policy (ECROP) to align with the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals and other similar multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) of relevance.

2019 -

Marine Management Organisation

Technical director on a project for the MMO investigating effective ways in which to manage fishing activity to achieve the conservation objectives of MPAs while minimising social and economic costs. This project reviewed examples of successful approaches or measures from comparable habitats and species, including those that are ephemeral and highly mobile, and fisheries around the world and identified areas of best practice that could help inform development of MMO measures.

2018 -

Virgin Limited Edition

Advisor to Virgin Limited Edition on coastal management on Necker and Moskito Island, British Virgin Islands

2018 – 2019


Advice to Defra Chief Scientific Advisor on the alignment of UK marine science to achieve maximum impact from the UK research community into marine policy.

2016 - 2018

Marine Management Organisation

Advisor to the Blue Belt programme on delivering marine management to UK Overseas Territories. Advised on the development and delivery of marine policy, regulatory frameworks and compliance and enforcement in UKOTs. Work included preparing options for delivering innovative technological solutions for managing marine protected areas and sea fisheries control and enforcement in UKOTs

2018 - 2019


Project Director delivering innovative technological solutions for sea fisheries control and enforcement in the UK post EU exit. Work included a comprehensive needs assessment for UK fisheries management, an analysis of suitable technologies and recommendations for trials of technology solutions in UK waters.


Welsh Government

Advice to Welsh Government on guidance and implementation of the Welsh National Marine Plan

2017 -

Marine Management Organisation

Institutional analysis of UK marine and maritime policy to provide advice to MMO on decision makers within the England marine plan area, what policy outcomes they are delivering, what delivery mechanisms they are using, and whether their decision making is compliant with the developing marine spatial plans.

2018 -


Training course “Beyond Marine Spatial Planning – delivering Integrated Marine Management”. This course looks at effective delivery of marine policy and how marine spatial planning can support effective decision making for good policy development, marine management and stakeholder engagement across all sectors.



Advice to E.ON on the marine planning and consenting implications for a proposed offshore wind farm in England. This work analysed marine planning constraints to provide a strategic assessment of the preferred location for a future wind farm with regards to consenting risk, including nature conservation. This allowed for the development of an effective consenting strategy that formed the basis of a major investment decision by the client


2016 -

Ørsted Energy

Provision of strategic advice on marine policy and regulation for offshore wind deployment in the UK. This included advising on consenting strategies, nature conservation, the implications of marine spatial planning for offshore wind, engagement strategies with the fishing industry, implications of future marine policy development on offshore wind deployment, and effective management of emerging marine consenting requirements.

2016 -


Provision of strategic advice to PWC on the implications of Brexit on marine and maritime policy. Member of the PWC expert forum on Brexit.

2011 – 2014


Delivered a new marine licensing system in England for marine infrastructure regulation following passing of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. This included:

·       Interpreting a new legislative framework to provide for proportionate and effective regulation

·       Designing new consenting pathways for all types of marine infrastructure licensing in England, including offshore wind and nationally significant infrastructure projects

·       Overseeing the development of marine licensing implementation with the emerging marine spatial planning framework

·       Overseeing guidance to inform decision makers and applicants for every step of the new decision-making process

·       Overseeing delivery of a case management system to allow for effective, efficient and cost recoverable delivery of marine licensing in England

·       Leader responsible for all decision making on marine infrastructure, including EIAs for major offshore wind deployment in English offshore waters.

·       Developed a new regulatory process for licensing marine activities in Marine Conservation Zones


Group membership


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