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Blue Innovation in Islands, EcoAqua Summer school (Fourth edition)

By Andrej Abramić
Monday, September 10 2018 14:00
to Friday, September 14 2018 15:00

The ECOAQUA Summer School 2018 will provide the participants a solid overall
understanding of basic and applied aspects related with Blue Growth Initiatives in Island
Systems, such as European Outermost Regions and Small Islands Developing States. The
course will address new tools and technologies applied to relevant topics such as Governance,
Aquaculture, Marine Spatial Planning and Conservation. The course will be given by
academics and professionals, with practical knowledge, experiences, and applicable methods
as related tools.
The scientific and technical courses will be organized around four specific modules:
• Blue Growth and Ocean Governance
• Innovations in Aquaculture
• Current trends in Marine Spatial Planning in Island Systems
• Advances in Marine Conservation
Besides lectures by renowned experts actively involved in different aspects of maritime
economy, there will be a field trip and practical challenges. As the panellists are leading
experts in diverse topics related to sustainable development and responsible use of marine
resources, the course will provide a forum for exchange of know-how and good practices
between those experts and participants.
Early-stage researchers and professionals (Masters and above) interested in Blue Growth,
Bioeconomy, Sustainable Aquaculture, Marine Conservation, Coastal Tourism, as well as the
application of the European Blue Growth Strategy and related European Directives.

Scientific and Technological Marine Park, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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Candidates can register through the Scientific and Technological Park Foundation (FPCT) web page (http://fpctserver.upe.ulpgc.es/fpctcursos/matricula.php?curso=FP-0079).

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