Malena Ripken


University of Oldenburg
COAST - Centre for Environemnt and Sustainability Research
26129 Oldenburg

Education & career

B.Sc. Physical Geography - University of Bremen, Germany

M.Sc. Water and Coastal Management - University of Oldenburg, Germany

M.Sc. Environmental and Infrastructure Planning - University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Since end of 2015 Research Associate, PhD Researcher, Project Coordinator and Lecturer at COAST at the University of Oldenburg, Germany

Other key interests
Current teaching activities

Lecture: Marine Spatial Planning (Master level) at University of Oldenburg, Germany

Summer School: Marine Spatial Planning and Gaming

International MSP Excursion

Research activities

Stakeholder participation / engagement in transnational MSP, especially:

Living Q Method

MSP Challenge Games


EU Interreg:NorthSEE - A North Sea Perspective on Shipping, Energy and Environmental Aspects in Maritime Spatial Planning (2016 - 2019)

EU Erasmus+: SP-MSP - Strategic Partnership for Marine Spatial Planning (2016-2019)


Group membership

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